MHFA Adults who Interact with Youth is intended for an adult audience whose primary focus is youth (aged 14-25). In addition to the four most common disorders discussed in MHFA BASIC, this course includes instruction about eating disorders and deliberate self-injury. Participants who take this course are well prepared to interact confidently about mental health with the young people in their lives, including at schools, extra-curricular activities, social services, family, friends, and communities.


CIINDE - Mental Health First Aid Canada

Course model

In the MHFA course, you will gain a solid understanding of the 5 basic actions of ALGEE:

  • Assess the risk of suicide and/or harm
  • Listen non-judgmentally
  • Give reassurance
  • Encourage professional support
  • Encourage other supports

ALGEE is the framework for having a confident conversation about mental health with family, friends, colleagues, and strangers.

Please send us an email if you are interested in booking a session or are interested in attending our next session.

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Canadian Institute of Integrative Nursing Development & Education

Comprehensive Holistic Nurse & Nurse Coaching Certificate Program: An Integrative Approach to Holistic Care of Self & Others