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This nursing continuing professional development activity is accredited by the Canadian Nurses Association (CNA), the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), and endorsed by the Canadian Holistic Nurses Association (CHNA) & Watson Caring Science Institute (WCSI).

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The Holistic Cannabis Nurse Program In Collaboration with TheCIINDE©

We Are Committed to Lifelong Learning!

  • High-quality professional development
  • Evidence-based continuing education

Learn More About The Comprehensive Holistic Nurse, Nurse Coach & Consultant Certificate Program by clicking on the button below!

A supportive learning community for  Heart-Centered Nurses & Allied Healthcare Professionals


Click here for the Canadian Holistic Nursing Scope & Standards of Practice

Are you a Registered Nurse, Licensed Practical Nurse or Nurse Practitioner interested in…

  • enhancing your personal health and wellbeing using a holistic approach and mindset
  • holistic health & wellness promotion
  • learning unique coaching skills you can use in virtually any practice setting to empower clients and affect sustainable change
  • being a facilitator of healing for yourself & others
  • joining other like-minded nurses in being agents of change
  • enhancing your bedside practice, or
  • starting an independent practice as a holistic health and wellness nurse coach and/or a nurse coach in your area of expertise

Most nurses are drawn to the profession because of their caring nature–one that often extends far beyond the bedside. Add the pressure to perform beyond their means and many nurses find themselves caring for others in lieu of caring for themselves. This results in extreme burn-out and career dissatisfaction, with many leaving nursing the profession altogether and others retiring earlier than desired.

We are here to nurture and support nurses who are ready for a mind shift, who know their way of being and approach to nursing is changing and expanding, and who are searching for a safe brave community to explore, challenge, and elevate their nursing vision for the future.

Nurses matter too!

We show nurses that self-care is not selfish. In fact, it is an act of self-responsibility. Adopting a lifestyle steeped in self-compassion and self-care allows nurses to show up differently for themselves and for those they care for.

Achieving and sustaining optimal health and wellness requires commitment. This often means changes to one’s lifestyle, behaviors and thought patterns. Open to RN’s, NP’s and LPN’s, our Holistic Nurse & Coaching Certificate Program begins with you, the nurse! 

Enhance your overall sense of well-being through new ways of being and doing including practices that build resilience, reduce stress and induce calm while nourishing your mind-body and spirit.

Using a whole-care approach that integrates complementary therapies is empowering for both nurse and client and reinforces the innate healing abilities that lie within us all.

Honoring Nurses first!


Caring for ourselves matters and allows us to better care for others!

By emphasizing care of self first, Holistic Nurses are committed to being role models and facilitators of healing for themselves, as well as others. Wright (2010) reminded us that self-reflection brings forth an energy and passion that not only results in personal growth and fulfillment, but is also instrumental in preventing burn-out and improving the quality of care nurses provide!

References Wright, S. (2010, December). Commentary on “Light still shines in the darkness: Decent care for all.” Journal of Holistic Nursing, 28(4), 275-283.

To learn more about our programs, visit our Education page today!

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Canadian Institute of Integrative Nursing Development & Education

Comprehensive Holistic Nurse & Nurse Coaching Certificate Program: An Integrative Approach to Holistic Care of Self & Others